Tamarind (Imli)

Tamarind grows extensively throughout the Indian subcontinent. Rich source of Vitamin C, Contains Fibre,Vitamin K, Vitamin B1 .Sweet tamarind can help manage glucose levels and relieve digestive disorders. Rich in tartaric acid, a powerful anti-oxidant that helps the body fight against cancer causing free radicals. Genco brings you a wide range of spices that infuse beautiful aroma and taste in your daily food. They are sourced and packed maintaining highest standards of safety and hygiene. Tamarind powder is a useful representation of the fruit that can be used in almost any application. It can be used to make traditional sauces and chutneys, and can also be used to make seasoning blends, salts and rubs.

As most ancient foods do, tamarind has a long history of medicinal uses. Many involve easing stomach discomfort, aiding digestion, and use as a laxative. Tamarind preparations are used for fevers, sore throat, rheumatism, inflammation, and sunstroke. Tamarind is a delicious, sweet fruit that has a wide variety of uses and applications, both for medicinal and culinary purposes. It is a medium-sized bushy tree with evergreen leaves and fruit that develops in pods characterized by long, brown shells. Inside is a sticky, fleshy, juicy pulp, which is the tamarind fruit. This is where the nutrition and taste reside! It is both sweet and sour in taste, and people tend to either immediately like it or have a natural disposition against it! Tamarind is a very valuable commodity in the world because of its many nutritional components that add to its health impact. These include a significant level of vitamin C, as well as vitamin E, B vitamins, calcium, iron, phosphorous, potassium, manganese, and dietary fiber. There are also a number of organic compounds that make tamarind a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.
Nutrition Facts Serving Size 100gm


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