Candied Ginger

Candied Ginger is fresh ginger that has been boiled in sugar and water then strained and dried. It’s a chewy, sweet, and spicy natural ginger candy.Crystallized ginger can reduce inflammation and relieve the pain associated with it! The sugary coating helps your kids eat them without much fuss. The medicinal benefits of ginger are so powerful, even a slightly crystallized sugary coating can’t negate its potency completely.

Crystallized Ginger is an effective cure for indigestion, sore throat, cold and cough. It is used to treat nausea. The anti inflammatory properties help relieve pain and reduce inflammation associated with arthritis, muscle pains etc.Crystallized ginger has a bold, invigorating flavor which can be used as an ingredient in a variety of sweet and spicy food products, or eaten as a snack by itself. It pairs well with many flavors, including citrus, turmeric, garlic, nuts, berries, and chocolate.
Nutrition Facts Serving Size 100gm